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Helping LGBTQI+ individuals to live free from persecution
Online-Seminar with non profit Rainbow Railroad on 13 July 2023, 14:00 - 15:00 CEST
Register nowJoin our conversation with the human rights organisation Rainbow Railroad
Around the world, individuals struggle for acknowledgement and tolerance of their sexual orientation. Rainbow Railroad, a human rights group, is advocating for LGBTQ+ rights globally and supporting those oppressed and persecuted for expressing their gender identity. During our online seminar, they will glimpse their daily efforts.
Jan Schepanek, Head of Personal Investing & Advisory Germany at Fidelity, talks to Dane Bland, Head of Development at Rainbow Railroad, about the organisation's work. Learn more about:
- the biggest challenges why sexual orientation is still a reason for persecution in certain countries
- how the organisation supports people practically
- stories of people helped by Rainbow Railroad
Our Guest: Dane Bland
Dane is a not-for-profit leader focused on translating development activities to social betterment, political action, advocacy, and systemic change.
Dane is a Certified Fundraising Executive that brings a decade of nonprofit experience, raising over $35 Million through corporate and foundation partnerships, major gifts, and multi-channel mass-market campaigns. He is deeply committed to volunteerism, community management, political activism, advocacy, and philanthropy. On top of a depth of experience in fundraising, Dane brings expertise in communications, digital marketing, direct marketing, and media relations.
Dane is a graduate of the Trent University Business Administration Program and Seneca College Fundraising Management postgraduate certificate program.
Dane is a board member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals – Greater Toronto Area and serves as the Vice-President of Public Relations. He is also a member of the board of governors for 4th Line Theatre, and has been a CFRE Ambassador since 2019.
About Rainbow Railroad
Rainbow Railroad was founded in 2006 to protect and rescue LGBTQ+ people who are persecuted, discriminated against or threatened in their home countries because of their sexual orientation.
The organisation supports political change and helps persecuted people escape violence.
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