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Fidelity Real Estate
A boutique real estate business within a global asset manager
Founded in 2006, Fidelity Real Estate runs solutions for a wide range of clients, providing direct access to high-quality property investments across the largest and most liquid markets in Europe and the UK. Our in-house team of professionals across acquisitions, asset management, research, sustainability, operations, risk, and investor relations allows us to offer investment solutions across the risk-return spectrum - ranging from core to value-add. Investors can access this expertise via open-ended and closed-ended pooled funds, or through segregated mandates tailored to specific requirements.
The Fidelity Real Estate Team - around 50 real estate experts - are based in those local markets in which Fidelity Real Estate invests. The team's local presence, for example in France, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK, is beneficial to identify and select the best opportunities for clients and has earned us a reputation for the professional and efficient execution of deals.
Sustainability of income is key to navigating disrupted markets
US vs. European Real Estate: Why Europe is poised to outperform
Is negative sentiment to European real estate justified or is contagion from the US spreading?
European Commercial Real Estate Remains More Robust Than US
In Europe the office sector is more resilient than in the US, and most banks are less exposed to any sharp stresses.
Our approach to sustainability in real estate
Adrian Benedict - Head of Real Estate Solutions
Our latest insights
These real estate investments promise real climate impact
Green real estate, impact investment strategies, and private markets allocations can help drive the net zero transformation.
Chart room: Taking stock of warehouse rents
Demand for warehouse space has surged over recent years and could grow further with fewer facilities now being built.
Chart room: Why real estate location is only part of the answer to diversifying investment
Our proprietary analysis shows that diversification worked well for investors in European real estate and why this may change.
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Fidelity International - Real Estate Investor Queries
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Risk warnings
- This material is for Investment Professionals only and should not be relied upon by private investors.
- The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount invested.
- The strategies invest directly in property and land, which can be difficult to sell, so an investor may not be able to sell /cash in this investment when they want to. The value of property is generally a matter of a valuer's opinion rather than fact.
- These strategies are subject to sustainability risk, which, if it occurs, it could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of the investments made by the Funds.
- Investors should note that the views expressed may no longer be current and may have already been acted upon. Reference to specific investments should not be construed as a recommendation, but is included for the purposes of illustration only.
- The strategies do not offer any guarantee or protection with respect to return, capital preservation, stable net asset value or volatility.
Important Information
This is a marketing communication. This information must not be reproduced or circulated without prior permission.
Fidelity only offers information on products and services and does not provide investment advice based on individual circumstances, other than when specifically stipulated by an appropriately authorised firm, in a formal communication with the client. Investors/ potential investors can obtain information on their respective rights regarding complaints and litigation in English here: Complaints handling policy ( and in German here: Beschwerdemanagement ( The information above includes disclosure requirements of the fund’s management company according to Regulation (EU) 2019/1156.
Fidelity International refers to the group of companies which form the global investment management organisation that provides information on products and services in designated jurisdictions outside of North America. This communication is not directed at, and must not be acted upon by persons inside the United States and is otherwise only directed at persons residing in jurisdictions where the relevant funds are authorised for distribution or where no such authorisation is required.
Unless otherwise stated all products and services are provided by Fidelity International, and all views expressed are those of Fidelity International. Fidelity, Fidelity International, the Fidelity International logo and F symbol are registered trademarks of FIL Limited.
No statements or representations made on this website are legally binding on Fidelity or the recipient.
FIL Limited assets and resources as at 30/07/2024 - data is unaudited. Research professionals include both analysts and associates.
For German Institutional clients issued by FIL (Luxembourg) S.A., 2a, rue Albert Borschette BP 2174 L-1021 Luxembourg.
Unless stated differently, information dated as of July 2024.