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Alternative Investments
Marktbericht August: Rückkehr der Volatilität
Obwohl schwächere US-Jobdaten Märkte erschütterten und Rezessionsängste wachsen, bleiben Aktienrisiken dank solider Fundamentaldaten attraktiv.
European real estate market on cusp of a change
European real estate may have reached a bottom and is about to embark on a period of growth. But the next cycle might be very different.
An office renovation where nothing goes to waste
When making buildings more sustainable, the focus should not only be on the items being installed, but also on what is taken out and where it ends up.
Chart Room: Occupier demand strengthens even as UK office values fall
The value of offices in the UK market fell steadily, but rental demand for the most attractive, greenest buildings has grown.
Building ESG into private market portfolios
Navigating challenges, seizing opportunities.
Looking ahead: “Do more in ‘24” or “survive ‘til ‘25”?
Although we face another tough year ahead, there are reasons to be optimistic about real estate investment.
Buildings that go green: Making an impact while still making alpha
Pursuing the most sustainable renovation strategy for an office could offer the best returns on invested capital
Start für neuen Net-Zero-Immobilienfonds von Fidelity: Kauf eines Bürogebäudes in London mit Net-Zero-Sanierungsplan
Der Erwerb einer Büroimmobilie in London markiert den Start des neu aufgelegten Fidelity European Real Estate Climate Impact Fund.
Race to net zero: Decarbonising a private credit portfolio
Race to net zero: Decarbonising a private credit portfolio
Private Credit Quarterly Outlook: a fork in the road
The private credit markets are in a strong position moving into the final quarter of the year, but there are some challenges on the horizon.
Private Debt Ausblick 2023: eine defensive Option für Investoren
Private Kreditmärkte könnten sich dank besonderer struktureller Merkmale und einer relativen Stärke als defensive Anlageoption erweisen. Vor allem, wenn sich die Volkswirtschaften im Westen auf eine Rezession einstellen.
The Investor's Guide to China podcast: Private Markets
So much of the investment conversation is dominated by companies that have already gone public. But it's not always just about listed companies.
Private debt does some heavy lifting in Twitter buyout
Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter is likely to be one of the most talked about leveraged buyouts of the year - if not the decade.
Blockchain: 10 Begriffe, die Sie kennen sollten
Die Blockchain birgt das Potenzial, unser Wirtschaftssystem für immer zu verändern. Doch was steckt hinter Begriffen wie Smart Contracts, NFT und Co.? Die wichtigsten Vokabeln im Überblick.
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